Public Enemy - The Forum, November 16th, 2005
© tim holt +44 (0) 7973 676-550
25 Images
Public Enemy was late coming on, some guy was walking around the stage going "Chuck, Chuck, Chuck" for ages,
I thought he was calling Chuck D to come out, but realised he was saying "check" and only testing the microphone. How stupid of me. Then they blew on to the stage and set to work. I tell you -
groups that have been around for a while have it all figured out, these guys are pros, not only delivering for the audience, but stopping so we could take photographs. Great performance -
with lots of "f*** George Bush, if ya know whad-I mean", and "f** Tony Blair", two insightful and salient political commentaries if I every heard them. They were also much more interesting
than the night before when I showed up to a darkened venue with nobody there.
home: phatfotos homepage
links: public enemy official website